VA Smith is a former Penn State University, College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching instructor of English. She founded Philadelphia’s Chancellor Writing Services, where she served as a writing coach for over a decade. Currently, VA hones her poetic rhythms walking and biking, serves as a home chef/caterer, and loves on her friends, family, partner, Peloton, and dog.
VA has dropped poetry into dozens of literary journals and anthologies, among them: Blue Lake Review, Calyx, Evening Street Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Oyster River Pages, Pure Slush’s Lifespan Volumes, Quartet, Southern Review, Third Wednesday, Verdad, and West Trade Review. Kelsay Books published her first poetry collection, Biking Through the Stone Age, in 2022.
Currently, she’s working on a third collection of travel poems, titled Elsewhere.
Paperback: 82 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (January 9, 2023)