Patricia Williams lives in central Wisconsin with her husband but spent her childhood and early adult years in the Chicago area. She lives eight miles from a village of 1300 and 25 miles from any place larger.
Pat began writing poetry and non-fiction in 2013 after retiring from a teaching career in K-12 Art, then as a professor of design history at the University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point. Art, design, music and the literary arts, she feels, are natural partners—all creatively examine life and living.
Her work appears in print and online journals and anthologies, among them, Midwest Review, Peregrine, Poetry Quarterly, Stoneboat, Third Wednesday, Woodland Pattern, Negative Capability Anthology and others. Finishing Line Press published her chapbook, The Portside of Shadows, Poems of Travel—Inner, Outer and Uncharted Places, in 2017.
Paperback: 80 pages
Published by: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (July 28, 2018)
Wisconsin Library Association (Outstanding Poetry Award, 2019)