Glen A. Mazis taught philosophy and humanities for decades at Penn State Harrisburg and retired in the summer of 2020. He has published more than 90 poems in literary journals, including Rosebud, The North American Review, Sou’wester, Spoon River Poetry Review, Willow Review, The Atlanta Review, Reed Magazine, and Asheville Poetry Review (best of 1994–2004). His poetry collection, The River Bends in Time, was published by Anaphora Literary Press in March 2012, and his chapbook, The Body Is a Dancing Star, was published by Orchard Street Press in 2020. His poem won the 2019 Orchard Street Press National Poetry contest [The Malovrh-Fenlon Prize].
He is also the author of five books of cultural critique and philosophy: Emotion and Embodiment; The Trickster, Magician and Grieving Man: Returning Men to Earth; Earthbodies: Rediscovering Our Planetary Senses; Humans/Animals/Machines: Blurring Boundaries; and Merleau-Ponty and the Face of the World: Silence, Ethics, Imagination and Poetic Ontology.
Mazis is a marathon runner, a hiker, a Zen meditator, the Borough Council President, a gardener, and a beginning sailor of a 1976, 30-foot sailboat, named Merleau (French: “Mer” is “sea” and “L’eau” is “water”; hence, “Seawater”). Mazis loves the natural world and all its creatures, lives happily with his wife Judith, also a poet, and their two dogs, Sophie and Rosie, alongside the Susquehanna River.
Paperback: 105 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 29, 2022)