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Kelsay Books proudly presents poetry readings posted on our YouTube channel:

Carol L. Park grew up halfway between San Jose and San Francisco, leaving and returning many times, but remaining a California girl—until she spent six years immersed in Japan, having moved to Tokyo with her husband and two children.
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VA Smith is a former Penn State University, College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching instructor of English. She founded Philadelphia’s Chancellor Writing Services, where she served as a writing coach for over a decade. Currently, VA hones her poetic rhythms walking and biking, and loves on her friends, family, partner, Peloton, and dog.
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Ann Bookman is a poet, anthropologist and social justice advocate. She has been studying poetry for twenty years with Boston area poets and in residential workshops at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA In 2012 she published a chapbook, Point of Attachment, with Finishing Line Press.
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Charlotte Innes is the author of Descanso Drive (Kelsay Books, 2017) and two chapbooks. Originally from England, she now lives in Los Angeles. A former teacher, newspaper journalist and freelance writer for many publications, including The Nation and the Los Angeles Times, she currently tutors students in English and creative writing.
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