Book Reviews on Published Titles

Gae Alexander ~ My Side of the River


Terry Allen ~ Rubber Time

Also by Allen ~ Waiting on the Last Train


Brian Allgar ~ The Ayterzedd

Also by Allgar ~ An Answer from the Past


Bob Ambrose ~ Between Birdsong and Boulder: Poems on the Life of Gaia


C.B. Anderson ~ Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground: Metaphysical Poems


Nadia Arioli ~ Be Still: Poems for Kay Sage


Catherine Arra ~ Solitude, Tarot & the Corona Blues


Nancy Austin ~ The Turn of the Tiller, The Spill of the Wind


Lana Hechtman Ayers ~ Overtures


Jon Ballard ~ Possible Lives


Alan Balter ~ Melancholia


Mark Belair ~ Running Late

Also by Belair ~ Taking Our Time


Gershon Ben-Avraham ~ God’s Memory


Paul Bernstein ~ What the Owls Know


Bhupender K. Bhardwaj ~ Ebullience & Other Poems


John W. Bing ~ Time Signatures


Jane Blanchard ~ Metes and Bounds

Also by Blanchard ~ Sooner or Later


Laura Bobrow ~ End Game


Mary Ellen Boehm ~ Do Oceans Have Underwater Borders?


Rose Mary Boehm ~ Life Stuff


Ann Bookman ~ Blood Lines


Matthew Brennan ~ The End of the Road


Paul Buchheit ~ Alice's Adventures ~ A Modern Version of Lewis Carroll's Classic, in Verse

Also by Buchheit ~ Sonnets of Love and Joy


Randal A. Burd, Jr. ~ Memoirs of a Witness Tree


Katerina Canyon ~ Surviving Home


Joseph Kuhn Carey ~ Black Forest Dreams: A Journey Through Germany 


Ute Carson ~ In the Blink of an Eye


Michael Caylo-Baradi ~ Hotel Pacoima


Catherine Chandler ~ Pointing Home


Patrice Boyer Claeys ~ Lovely Daughter of The Shattering

Also by Claeys ~ The Machinery of Grace


Florence Adams Clark & Carolyn Clark ~ Poet Duet: A Mother & Daughter


DeWitt Clinton ~ At the End of the War


Terese Coe ~ Shot Silk

Also by Coe ~ Why You Can’t Go Home Again


Elizabeth Cohen ~ Wonder Electric


Douglas Cole ~ The Blue Island


Willy Conley ~ The World of White Water


Robert Cooperman ~ A Nighmare on Horseback

Also by Cooperman ~ Hell at Cock’s Crow

Also by Cooperman ~ Reefer Madness

Also by Cooperman ~ Steerage


    Dale Cottingham ~ Midwest Hymns


    Ken Craft ~ Reincarnation & Other Stimulants: Life, Death, & In-Between Poems


    Shutta Crum ~ Meet Me Out There

    Also by Crum ~ The Way to the River

    Also by Crum ~ When You Get Here


    Rachel Dacus ~ Gods of Water and Air


    Diane Elayne Dees ~ Coronary Truth


    Thomas DeFreitas ~ Swift River Ballad

    Also by DeFreitas ~ Winter in Halifax


    Albert DeGenova ~ Human Nature: Poems of Witness


    Deborah DeNicola ~ The Impossible


    Arlene Distler ~ This Earth, This Body


    Lynn Domina ~ Inland Sea


    Erika Dreifus ~ Birthright


    Joanne Durham ~ On Shifting Shoals


    Sarah Eddy ~ Ordinary Fissures


    Wendy Ford ~ A Frontier Romance “Tiger Bill and Kate”


    B. A. France ~ Season’s End


    Marc Frazier ~ If It Comes to That


    Jennifer Freed ~ When Light Shifts


    Randall R. Freisinger ~ Windthrow & Salvage


    Amy Strauss Friedman ~ The Eggshell Skull Rule


    Peggy Gerber ~ The Big Indignity


    Alice Wolf Gibbon ~ Apples & Stones


    D. Walsh Gilbert ~ [M]AR[Y]


    Mel Glenn ~ At Bat


    Ethan Goffman ~ Words for Things Left Unsaid


    Paula Goldman ~ Late Love


    Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas ~ On the Edge of the Ethereal

    Also by Stevenson Grellas ~ Alice in Ruby Slippers


      Lisa Grunberger ~ For the Future of Girls


      Holly Guran ~ Now Before and Ever


      Rasma Haidri ~ As If Anything Can Happen


      Batnadiv HaKarmi ~ The Love of Mortal Beings


      Dane Hamann ~ A Thistle Stuck in the Throat of the Sun


      Penny Harter ~ Keeping Time: Haibun for the Journey

      Also by Harter ~ Still-Water Days


      William Heath ~ Going Places


      Diana Henning ~ Camaraderie of the Marvelous


      Mary Beth Hines ~ Winter at a Summer House


      Angela Hoffman ~ Olly Olly Oxen Free


      Karen Paul Holmes ~ Untying the Knot


      Tom Holmes ~ Material Matters


      Charlotte Innes ~ Descanso Drive

      Also by Innes ~ Twenty Pandemicals


      Catherine Jagoe ~ Praying to the God of Small Things


      Michael Jennings ~ Summoning the Outlaws


      Marianne Smith Johnson ~ Tender Collisions


      Jacqueline Jules ~ Manna in the Morning


      Julia Kane ~ Paper Bullets


      Liana Kapelke-Dale ~ Seeking the Pink


      Mary Louise Kiernan ~ The Gift of Glossophobia


      Carolynn Kingyens ~ Before the Big Bang Makes a Sound

      Also by Kingyens ~ Coupling


      Daniel Klawitter ~ Quiet Insurrections


      Yasmin Kloth ~ Ancestry Unfinished


      Tricia Knoll ~ Checkered Mates


      Sharon Waller Knutson ~ What the Clairvoyant Doesn’t Say


      David P. Kozinski ~ I Hear It the Way I Want It to Be


      Laurie Kuntz ~ Talking Me Off the Roof


      Yahia Lababidi ~ Learning to Pray: A Book of Longing


      Lori Levy ~ What Do You Mean When You Say Green? and Other Poems of Color


      Sandra J. Lindow ~ Chasing Wild Grief


      Lorraine Henrie Lins ~ Without the Water


      Jennifer Schomburg Kanke ~ The Swellest Wife Anyone Ever Had


        Jonathan Koven ~ Mystic Orchards


        Barbara Loots ~ The Beekeeper and Other Love Poems


        Amy Losak ~ Wing Strokes Haiku


        Gregory Luce ~ Riffs & Improvisations


        Majorie Maddox ~ Inside Out: Poems on Writing and Reading Poems


        Dave Malone ~ Tornado Drill


        Mary Makofske ~ No Angels


        Charlotte Mandel ~ Alive & In Use: Poems in the Japanese Form of Haibun


        Rita Maria Martinez ~ The Jane and Bertha in Me


        Marc Alan Di Martino ~ Unburial


        Mary McCarthy ~ How to Become Invisible


        S.B. Merrow ~ Everyone A Bell


        Carole Mertz ~ Color and Line


        Nancy Anne Miller ~ Latitude, Longitude

        Also by Miller ~ Pink Typewriter


        Robert Miss ~ Prospero’s Glove


        Diane Lee Moomey ~ Sourdough


        Miles David Moore ~ Man on Terrace with Wine


        Edward Morin ~ The Bold News of Birdcalls


        Wilda Morris ~ At Goat Hollow and Other Poems

        Also by Morris ~ Pequod Poems: Gamming with Moby-Dick


        Jane Yevgenia Muschenetz ~ All the Bad Girls Wear Russian Accents


        John David Muth ~ Dreams of a Viking Wedding


        Sally Nacker ~ Kindness in Winter

        Also by Nacker ~ Night Snow


        Dr. Anita Nahal ~ Kisses at the espresso bar

        Also by Nahal ~ What’s wrong with us Kali women?


        Karen Neuberg ~ Pursuit 


        Cristina M. R. Norcross ~ Beauty in the Broken Places

        Also by Norcross ~ The Sound of a Collective Cross


        Larry O’Brien ~ The White Hydrangeas


        Chris O’Carroll ~ Abracadabratude

        Also by O’Carroll ~ The Joke’s on Me


        Mary K. O’Melveny ~ Flight Patterns


        Angela Patten ~ The Oriole & the Ovenbird


        Lynn Pattison ~ Matryoshka Houses


        Andrea Potos ~ Marrow of Summer

        Also by Potos ~ Mothershell


        Christine Potter ~ Unforgetting


        Charles Rammelkamp ~ The Field of Happiness

        Also by Rammelkamp ~ See What I Mean?

        Also by Rammelkamp ~ Uger Lee


        Patrick T. Reardon ~ Darkness on the Face of the Deep


        Nancy Richardson ~ Going Home


        Linda Neal Reising ~ Vivia: The Legend of Vivia Thomas: A Novelette in Poems


        Janet McMillan Rives ~ Washed by a Summer Rain: Poems from the Desert


        Nicole Rollender ~ The Luster of Everything I’m Already Forgetting


        Sydell Rosenberg & Amy Losak ~ Wing Strokes Haiku


        Menachem Rosenaft ~ Poems Born in Bergen-Belsen


        Sarah Russell ~ Today and Other Seasons


        Diane Sahms-Guarnieri ~ The Handheld Mirror of the Mind


        S. Salazar ~ Raíces, Relics, and Other Ghosts


        Kelly Samuels ~ All the Time in the World


        Rikki Santer ~ Head to Toe of It


        Federica Santini ~ Unearthed


        Sarah Sarai ~ That Strapless Bra in Heaven

        Kelly Sargent ~ Seeing Voices: Poetry in Motion

        Also by Sargent ~ Echoes in My Eyes


          Peggy Schimmelman ~ Make Me Your Love Song


          Nancy Scott ~ A Little Excitement

          Also by Scott ~ Midwestern Memories


          Ndaba Sibanda ~ We Are Not an Error But the Idioms of Our Era


          Carol Smallwood ~ The Illusiveness of Grey


          Sarah Dickenson Snyder ~ The Human Contract


          J.R. Solonche ~ Around Here

          Also by J.R. Solonche ~ The Dreams of the Gods

          Also by J.R. Solonche ~ If You Should See Me Walking On the Road


          Kris Spencer ~ Life Drawing


          Rae Spencer ~ Watershed

          Also by Spencer ~ Alchemy


            Elizabeth Spragins ~ The Language of Bones


            Lisa St. John ~ Swallowing Stones


            Margaret Stawowy ~ Walking Backward

            • Naugatuck River Review (Finalist)
            • Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition (2nd Place)


            Donna Baier Stein ~ Letting Rain Have Its Say


            Sarah Stern ~ We Have Been Lucky in the Midst of Misfortune


            Lisa Stice ~ Uniform


            Judy Swann ~ Fool


            Marilyn L. Taylor ~ Outside the Frame


            Alarie Tenille ~ Three A.M. at the Museum


            Jessica D. Thompson ~ Daybreak and Deep


            Laura Rodley ~ Ribbons and Moths: Poems for Children


            Rodney Torreson ~ The Ascension of Sandy’s Drive-In


            Pasquale Trozzolo ~ UN/Reconciled


            Gene Twaronite ~ Shopping Cart Dreams


            Victoria Twomey ~ Glimpse


            Reagan Upshaw ~ In the Panhandle: Poems 19752020


            Ann E. Wallace ~ Days of Grace and Silence: a Chronicle of COVID's Long Haul


            Julie Weiss ~ The Places We Empty


            Walter Weinschenk ~ The Death of Weinberg: Poems and Stories


            Charles Weld ~ Seringo


            Meg Weston ~ Magma Intrusions


            Patricia Williams ~ Midwest Medley: Places & People, Wild Things & Weather

            Also by Williams ~ Rejection to Acceptance: 57 Poems That Finally Made It


            Paul J. Willis ~ Losing Streak


            Lee Woodman ~ Lifescapes


            Anton Yakovlev ~ Ordinary Impalers


            Joseph Zaccardi ~ The Weight of Bodily Touches


            Andrena Zawinski ~ Landings


            Yvonne Zipter ~ The Wordless Lullaby of Crickets