Award-Winning Books

J.S. Absher ~ Skating Rough Ground


Terry Allen ~ Rubber Time
Jane Blanchard ~ Metes and Bounds


Michele Bombardier ~ What We Do


Paul Buchheit ~ Alice’s Adventures: A Modern Version of Lewis Carroll’s Classic, in Verse

Also by Buchheit ~ Sonnets of Love and Joy

  • The BookFest Awards (1st Place, Fall 2023)
  • Feathered Quill Book Awards (1st Place in Inspirational Category and 3rd Place in Poetry Category, 2024)
  • IAN Book of the Year (Finalist, 2023)


Joseph Kuhn Carey ~ Black Forest Dreams


Kathleen Calby ~ Flirting with Owls

  • Rash Awards Poetry Finalist 2022: “Harvest of Ice”
  • Kakalak: “Cider Press” (Honorable Mention 2020)
  • Pinesong Awards Anthology: “Garden Tender,” originally titled "Whose Garden Is It?” (Honorable Mention 2021)



These poems traverse landscapes, inner and outer: physical landscapes and metaphysical ones; the landscape of relationships; the landscape of age, from childhood to maturity; and the questing landscape that leads to new understandings.


Ken Craft: Reincarnation & Other Stimulants: Life, Death, & In-Between Poems


Daun Daemon ~ A Prayer for Forgiving My Parents


Lauren Davis ~ When I Drowned


Albert DeGenova ~ Human Nature


Deborah DeNicola ~ The Impossible


Joanne Durham ~ On Shifting Shoals


Alfred Encarnacion ~ Precincts of the Passion Dragon


J.V. Foerster ~ Holy Mess of a Girl

  • Atlanta Reviews International Poetry Contest, Merit Award (Recipient, 2023)
  • Quartet Magazine, 2nd Editor’s Choice Single Poem Award (Runner-Up, 2023)


Keith Gaboury ~ The Cosmos Is Alive


Joy Gaines-Friedler ~ Capture Theory

An intimate study of orbiting forces: beauty, loss, aging, love. We are scarred with the truth that our “lost ones follow us” and, “what we think we are holding, actually holds us.” We are reminded that the body – as a core of all experience – is like a night blooming flower, or a bird, “the color of darkness trying to escape.” These poems are preoccupied with justice and reconciliation. They show justice as a kind of a vital force, like a “conduit of seed.”


Hayley Haugen ~ Blue Wife Poems


Gloria Heffernan ~ Peregrinatio: Poems for Antarctica

  • Grayson Chapbook Competition (Finalist, 2020)


Karen Paul Holmes ~ Untying the Knot


Judith Janoo ~ Just This


Marianne Smith Johnson ~ Tender Collisions


Yasmin Kloth ~ Ancestry Unfinished: Poems of a Lost Generation


Samantha Kolber ~ Birth of a Daughter


Laurie Kuntz ~ Talking Me Off the Roof


Ron Lauderbach ~ Snapshots


Brenda Kay Ledford ~ Red Plank House


Michele Lesko ~ Kneeling Under the Lemon Tree


Lori Levy ~ What Do You Mean When You Say Green? And Other Poems of Color


Lenny Lianne ~ Sunshine Has Its Limits

  • Poetry Society of Virginia 1st Place in the 2007 Bess Gresham Memorial Contest


Cynthia Linkas ~ Tumbled Time


Barbara Loots ~ Windshift


Mary Makofske ~ No Angels


Dave Malone ~ Bypass


Tim Mayo ~ Notes to the Mental Hospital Timekeeper


Ken Meisel ~ The Light Most Glad of All

  • Sheila-Na-Gig Editor’s Choice Award (2022)


Mary K. O’Melveny ~ Flight Patterns

  • Jewish Currents: “Cease Fire” (Raynes Poetry Competition Winner 2017)


Jane Muschenetz ~ All the Bad Girls Wear Russian Accents


Burt Myers ~ This Late Hour


Anita Nahal ~ kisses at the espresso bar

Also by Nahal ~ What's Wrong With Us Kali Women?


Nancy Owen Nelson ~ Five Points South: Poems from an Alabama Pilgrimage


Barbara Nightingale ~ Spells & Other Ways of Flying


Robert Nordstrom ~ Dust on the Sill

  • Oregon Poetry Association (Third Place, Fall 2021 Contest)


Athar C. Pavis ~ Pulled Pork in Paris


George Perreault ~ lie down as you were born


Karen Petersen ~ Trembling


Patrick T. Reardon ~ Salt of the Earth


M. Ann Reed ~ ekphrastics & eccentricities

  • Halcyone-Black Mountain Press: 64 Best Poets of 2018
  • Lazuli Literary Arts Group: 2018 Azure Poetry 1st Place
  • Oregon Poetry Association Contest: 2021 Honorable Mention


Linda Neal Reising ~ Stone Roses

Also by Reising ~ Vivia ~ The Legend of Vivia Thomas: A Novelette in Poems


Laura Rodley ~ Ribbons and Moths: Poems for Children


Nicole Rollender ~ The Luster of Everything I’m Already Forgetting


Jane Schapiro ~ Warbler


John Schneider ~ Swallowing the Light


Emily Schulten ~ The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar


Lisa St. John ~ Swallowing Stones

  • The Poet’s Billow’s Bermuda Triangle Contest Winner
  • 2017 Rash Award in Poetry by Broad River Review Finalist
  • New Millennium Writings 44th Literary Awards Finalist


Julie T. Standig ~ The Forsake Little Black Book


Jessica D. Thompson ~ Daybreak and Deep


Pasquale Trozzolo ~ UN/Reconciled


Peggy Turnbull ~ The Joy of their Holiness


Gene Twaronite ~ Trash Picker on Mars, What the Gargoyle Sees, Shopping Cart Dreams


Victoria Twomey ~ Glimpse


    Anastasia Vassos ~ Nostos


    Susan Vespoli ~ One of Them Was Mine


    Ann E. Wallace ~ Days of Grace and Silence


    Brendan Walsh ~ Go


    Kathleen Wedl ~ Ordinary Time


    Patricia Williams ~ Midwest Medley: Places & People, Wild Things & Weather


    Ellen Wright ~ Family Portrait with Oilwell

    • “To a Pariah” - Ellipsis Award 2014


    S.K. Yeatts ~ Hologlyphs: Twilight Fields


    Katie Sarah Zale ~ The Weight of a Leaf