Growing Up with Pigtails

Growing Up with Pigtails

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Marsha Mathews is an American author and Professor of English at Dalton State College, in Dalton, Georgia. Her book, Hallelujah Voices, presents unique voices of a Southwest Virginia congregation as they experience pivotal moments. Her love poems, Sunglow & A Tuft of Nottingham Lace, won the Red Berry Editions 2011 Chapbook Award. Her first book, Northbound Single-Lane, was released in 2010 by Finishing Line Press. Her poem “Kidnapping Mary” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her story “Bus Ride” was honored the 2013 Orlando Prize for Flash Fiction (AROHO).

This book follows the journey of a woman who finds herself suddenly single, with young children to care for. She leaves home and all she knows to travel north through Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Marsha is currently writing Beauty Bound, which through poetry, examines multi-cultural perceptions of human beauty. Most importantly, Marsha raised two daughters and has four winsome grandchildren.

Paperback: 40 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (July 11, 2016)