KBB 2023: New year, new blog, new books
Friends and poets gather herefor monthly book reminders,click and share to spread the wordof new and favorite writers;eclectic prose and poetry,realistic or surreal;at Kelsay Books, we hope to makeeach reader think and feel.
Kelsay Books is an independent press based in the U.S., publishing beautiful and timely collections of poetry. Our imprints appeal to a wide range of tastes, from free verse to formalism, featuring authors with a flair for traditional forms. We are drawn to work that relies on robust and fresh imagery and metaphor. And we love lyrical poetry almost as much as we love you for checking out our new blog. Here, you'll find readings and events, submissions opportunities, new releases, and all things KB as we grow our community online.
Publishing at our fullest capacity yet, we're leaning into the momentum—and bringing you along for the ride. In 2023, we plan to release up to 20 new titles per month, now in hardcover and e-book options! You can browse our latest releases below, including hot-off-the-presses All The Bad Girls Wear Russian Accents by Jane Muschenetz.
January's New and Noteworthy
First Confession - Sandra Kacher
Swallowing Stones - Lisa St. John
Flowers in the Dark - Mark Saba |
Watch: Flowers In The Dark by Mark Saba Book Trailer
We're pleased to announce that The Orchards, our very own poetry and prose anthology, is open for submissions to its Summer 2023 issue from March 15th to June 15th, 2023! Keep an eye on kelsaybooks.com for updated information.
The Orchards paperback is 20% off for Valentine's month, so snag a copy for the special poet in your life before the end of February!
The Grantchester Award recognizes two outstanding works per issue of The Orchards, biannually. Congratulations to our Winter 2022 Grantchester honorees!
First Place $50.00
- The Kingdom of God Is Like. . . by Jennifer Stewart (pages 17–19)
Second Place $30.00
- I comb my daughter’s hair by Elizabeth Cranford Garcia (pages 80–81)
When the International Women's Writing Guild hosted their annual Poetry Palooza from October to December 2022, we were thrilled to sponsor a writing competition. Congratulations to the Women's Poetry Contest 2022 winners!
- Rebecca Brock, first prize for Raising Glaciers
- Nikki Ummel, second prize for Walking My Niece Home
- and Kristen Holt-Browning, honorable mention for Window Seat
Read the awarded poems and judge Katie Manning's responses here
Open for video submissions: Seeking authors to feature in our June 3rd reading. Read More
VA Smith, author of American Daughters, headlines our next reading on February 15th!