November always seemed to me...
Our theme this month derives from none other than Emily Dickinson, not a poem of her’s but rather a prosaic letter to a friend she penned in November. Dickinson never left New England, so the Paris Review post I linked speculates on how she made this connection to Norway. Thinking of a blog title for November, Norway didn’t cross my mind — neither did anything more musical than Thee Emily Dickinson’s decadent wordplay.
As a women-powered press, we know the next Emily Dickinsons are on the rise. Our annual Women’s Poetry Contest is now open for submissions through Feburary 15th. Winners receive cash prizes, publication, and other features! Enter here. The Orchards, our very own poetry journal, is also accepting submissions for the Winter 2023 edition.
Did you know Kelsay Books is based in Utah? Our keystone event takes place in Provo, this Wednesday, November 4th at 2:00 p.m. MT. Local writers will gather at Pioneer Bookstore (450 W Center St) to share selected readings, then open the mic to the community. See details below!

Featured New Release
Order your copy of Ordinary Time by Eileen Trauth today!
ICYMI: Kelsay Books poet Eileen Trauth launched Ordinary Time last month in a series of events from Ohio to Kentucky!
Poetic Excellence
Order your copy of Metes and Bounds by Jane Blanchard today!
Jane Blanchard's sonnet “Meanwhile” won the inaugural Letheon Poetry Prize, and Formal Verse reviewed her book, Metes and Bounds, here
“The Picasso Museum” by Terry Allen placed third in Poetry and his book Waiting on the Last Train won the Missouri Writers Guild Writers Contest
The Good Life Review nominated “For Those of Us Forced to Flee” by Jane Muschenetz for Best of the Net here, and the author talked about her book All The Bad Girls Wear Russian Accents with KPBS in their special Celebrating Neurodiversity in Art, Food, and Immigration here
Alice’s Adventures by Paul Buchheit (KB 2022) won a PenCraft Seasonal Book Award (Children - Mystery & Wonders)
John Schneider’s Swallowing The Light is a Distinguished Favorite of the 2023 NYC Book Awards
The Poetry Distillery nominated Susan Vespoli’s poem, “After a Stress-Induced Ocular-Migraine,” from One of Them Was Mine for Best of the NetReviews & Features
Order your copy of Talking Me Off the Roof by Laurie Kuntz today!
Claire Hamner Matturo reviewed Talking Me Off the Roof by Best of the Net-nominee Laurie Kuntz for the Compulsive Reader here
Inland Sea by Lynn Domina is featured on The Midwest Book Review's Poetry Shelf and you can find interviews with the author on two blogs: Interview with rob mclennan & Interview with Deborah Kalb
The Tri-State Lookout profiled Mary Makofske, author of No Angels
Reader Views featured Natalia Kavale's review of Sonnets of Love & Joy by Paul Bucheit here
Glenn G. Coats reviewed Keeping Time: Haibun for the journey by Penny Harter here
Check out Penny Harter’s Rattle interview!
Mom Egg Review featured The Luster of Everything I’m Already Forgetting by Nicole Rollender on their October bookshelf
Mary Beth Hines reviewed Mary K. O’Melveny’s Flight Patterns on Lightwood
In case you missed it, this will be our first reading in Utah!
KB Submissions Opportunities!
Click on the images to read our guidelines.