Summer of Kel-Slay

It's been a busy season, to say the least. I’m happy to report that production remains on schedule, so all books started in June are slated for October publication. In the meantime, please continue keeping us in the loop on your poetic acheivements via email.
This month’s blog is a two-in-one, featuring upcoming readings, awards, and spotlighting our poets’ summer successes. I’m looking forward to seeing you at our July 20th Zoom reading before I’m off to go camping and hit the road on tour! I can’t wait to share and discuss what’s been going on in your world. Let’s get into it.
On Friday, July 19, John Milkereit will perform selections from Lost Sonnets for My Unvaccinated Lover with Courtney O’Banion Smith for a Houston, TX audience.
Preview the event by watching Milkereit’s book trailer by Kelsay Books.
You’re invited to our annual Summer Poetry Reading. Saturday, July 20th at 2:00 PM Mountain Time on Zoom. This virtual event is free and open to the public. We’re looking forward to catching up with our KB community! Click on the image or scan the QR code with your handheld device to register.
Note: Registrants must use the same email address linked to their Zoom account
Claire Coenen presents The Beautiful Keeps Breathing on Sunday, July 21 at 2:30 p.m. Central time on Zoom. Featuring guest readers Julia Sumner and Julia Fehrnebacher! Click on the image to register for this virtual Kelsay Books launch.
Mary Ellen Talley will perform selections from Taking Leave as a headlining reader at Everett, WA Poetry and with Cultivating Voices’ online new book showcase, both in August.
Poetic Excellence
Keep up with our latest releases on Instagram (@karenkelsaydavies) and Facebook!
I am happy to share with you that three of my poems from Cultured Pearls are featured in this touching anthology, Poetry for the Dementia Journey by AlzAuthors, released June 1. Pages 78,79 and 80 are all poems written about my mother, Harriet Brodkin, who passed away in 2019 at age 94. ‘Earl Grey’, ‘The Kingdom of Immaculate’ and ‘Nightgowns on the Town’ are inspired by our loving relationship which only grew—with time. It seems to me, when a dear parent grows old, we children are the small flowerpots that help hold them in place.
—Sandra Dreis
On Saturday, June 29, 3 friends gave me a book launch party with a brunch for Living the Dream.On Wednesday, July 10, at the Topanga Book Club, hosted by Dr. Mark Hein, I read from Living the Dream.
—Jean Colonomos
VIVIA by Linda Neal Reising was a finalist in the 2024 International Book Awards!
Reviews & Interviews
RHINO reviewed Human Nature: Poems of Witness by Albert DeGenova
North of Oxford reviewed The End of the Road by Matthew Brennan
Losing Streak by Paul J. Willis featured in the Highland Park Poetry review
Ordinary Fissures by Sarah Eddy featured in the Baltimore Review
Sundress reviewed On Shifting Shoals by Joanne Durham
Isthmus reviewed Catherine Jagoe’s Praying to the God of Small Things
Jennifer Schomburg Kanke interviewed Diane Lee Moomey, author of Sourdough, on The Meter Cute Interviews podcast