Nature’s Eclectic Designs

Nature’s Eclectic Designs

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Curt Curtin is a lifelong poet with four books published by Kelsay Books: two for adults, For Art’s Sake (2019) and Kerry Dancers (2020); and two for children, Why Trees Sneeze and Other Mysteries (2021) and So Much Depends on Where You Live (2022). Curt has received several awards for poetry, including the Worcester County Poetry Association’s Frank O’Hara Poetry Award (2010) and second place in the Connecticut Poetry Society’s annual contest (2019). He has twice been named a Pushcart Prize nominee. His poetry also has been published in a variety of journals, anthologies, and three chapbooks.

Curt was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. His early exposures to nature were through scouting, including sea scouts and later roles as a camp counselor at the Berkshire Boys Camp in Western Mass. He also spent a winter living alone in a one-room cabin in the Berkshire woods. Curt taught college English and creative writing at Westfield State College for 20 years after several years teaching younger students. He has been a featured reader in many poetry venues in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and twice in Ireland.

For more information, follow him on Facebook or through his website:

Paperback: 86 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 28, 2023)