Now retired from a career teaching college English, Ralph Stevens lives in Ellsworth, Maine with his wife, the photographer Sally Rowan. Stevens has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and is the author of the collections At Bunker Cove (Moon Pie Press, 2017), Things Haven’t Been the Same (Finishing Line Press, 2020), and Water under Snow (Wipf and Stock: Resource Publications, 2021). He is a regular contributor to the online journal Verse Virtual, and his poems have appeared in a variety of publications and on the radio programs The Writer’s Almanac and Poems from Here. Ralph’s poetry reflects and is inspired by the natural world and by an interest in the role of consciousness in the relationship between the human and non-human. For him the “non-human” is not just the wildlife—the loons, deer, crows that appear in his poems—but even that world we think of as “unconscious”: trees, corn, the wind itself.
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (June 5, 2024)