Julie T. Standig has studied at the Unterberg Poetry Center, participated in Writer’s Voice, and was an active member of a private workshop in NYC. A lifetime New Yorker, she now resides in Bucks County with her husband Ken and their Springer Spaniel, Dizzi. A proud member of the late and beloved Dr. Chris Bursk’s springtime workshop, she continues to write with many of those talented poets. Julie has been published in Alehouse Press, Arsenic Lobster and Covenant of the Generations, Sadie Girl Press, Schuylkill Journal Review, US1 Poets/Del Val, as well as the online journal Rats Ass Review, Silver Birch Press, MacQueen’s Quinterly, and Poetry Super Highway. Her first chapbook, Memsahib Memoir, was released in 2017 by Plan B Press. Her hope is that this collection will bring some humor and connection to others who sift through their own memories and objects. Look deep.
Paperback: 114 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (October 15, 2022)
Eric Hoffer Award 2023 Medal Provocateur Finalist
Eric Hoffer Award 2023 Book Award Category Finalist