Frederick Wilbur was brought up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and still lives there with his wife and family. He relies on imagery derived from the natural landscape and country life to explore human relationships.
He has been an architectural woodcarver for over 35 years and has written numerous articles and three books on the subject.
Fred has degrees from the University of Virginia and the University of Vermont. His poetry has appeared in or has been accepted by Shenandoah, The Lyric, The South Carolina Review, Cold Mountain Review, Green Mountains Review, Poetry Quarterly, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, Southern Poetry Review, The Atlanta Review, The Chariton Review, Greensboro Review, Slant, Appalachian Heritage, Plainsongs, Snowy Egret, POEM, and online Verse-Virtual, Rotary Dial, and Silver Birch Press.
Paperback: 92 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (January 29, 2018)