Not much is known about Marcus Bales except that he lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and his work has not appeared in Poetry or The New Yorker.
His first book, 51 Poems (available from Amazon), was, for an exciting day or two in May, 2016, the 299th best-selling poetry book in the world, but is now in 3,366,115th place. How the mighty have fallen.
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Brian Allgar was born a mere 22 months before Adolf Hitler committed suicide, although no causal connection between the two events has ever been firmly established.
Despite having lived in Paris since 1982, he remains immutably English. He started entering humorous competitions in 1967, but took a 35-year break, finally re-emerging in 2011 as a kind of Rip Van Winkle of the literary competition world. He also drinks malt whisky and writes music, which may explain his fondness for Mendelssohn’s Scottish Symphony.
He is the author of The Ayterzedd: A Bestiary of (mostly) Alien Beings and An Answer from the Past, being the story of Rasselas and Figaro.
Paperback: 53 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (March 21, 2024)