Nadia Arioli is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Thimble Literary Magazine and a multi-disciplinary artist. Arioli’s poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net three times and can be found in Cider Press Review, Rust + Moth, San Pedro Review, McNeese Review, Whale Road Review, West Trestle Review, As It Ought To Be, Voicemail Poems, Bombay Literary Magazine, and other publications. Essays have been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart and can be found in Hunger Mountain, Heavy Feather Review, Angel Rust, and elsewhere. Collages and scribblings have been featured as the cover of Permafrost, as artist of the month for Kissing Dynamite and Rogue Agent, and in Poetry Northwest.
Arioli has chapbooks with Dancing Girl, Cringe-Worthy Poetry Collective, and Spartan, and a full-length with Luchador Press.
Paperback: 138 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (August 30, 2023)
Arteidolia (Interview)
The Ekphrastic Review (Interview)
Gyroscope Review (Interview)