Born in Manchester, New Hampshire to Ukrainian parents, Nancy Brewka-Clark began her writing career at a daily newspaper chain on Boston’s North Shore. Since she believes poetry is akin to magic and may come and go as the muse pleases, she also writes short stories, nonfiction, and plays that have been published by Adams Media, Three Rivers Press, Southeast Missouri State University Press, FunDead Publications of Salem, Smith and Kraus, YouthPLAYS of Los Angeles and Routledge, among others. A number of her flash comedies have been produced by the Gi60 International One-Minute Play Festival at Brooklyn College’s New Workshop Theater and appear on YouTube along with a Play of the Month for NYC Playwrights.
For three decades Nancy also painted professionally under the name of Nascha, the nickname her father bestowed on her, creating unique gilt bas reliefs that combined 18th century New England colonial japanning and Ukrainian folk motifs. Her work was featured in Yankee Magazine, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, and a host of other publications and was sold in museum shops, galleries and craft fairs where she made steadfast friends.
A lifetime devotee of Nathaniel Hawthorne, or more specifically, his enigmatic older sister Elizabeth, she lives in Beverly, Massachusetts, the home of 19th-century poet Lucy Larcom. Like Lucy, Nancy was the editor of the Wheaton College literary magazine Rushlight, their tenure being a century apart.
Paperback: 102 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (March 30, 2020)