This is Jane Edna Mohler’s first book of poetry. She was the 2016 winner of the Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Main Street Voices Poetry Competition. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2016. Jane has been a runner-up and, many years a finalist, in the Bucks County Poet Laureate competition. She was a finalist in the Robert Fraser Open Poetry Competition.
Jane has been a counselor in mental health settings and schools for nearly thirty years. She was offered a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching from the United States Department of State to travel to Viet Nam in 2016 although was unable to accept the honor due to her health. She is an American traditional rug hooker. She lives in Bucks County with her artist husband, Peter Stolvoort, and three very distinguished cats. Her son, Sgt. James Barrett Pigott, is currently serving in the United States Army in the Republic of Korea.
Paperback: 111 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (January 14, 2019)