Jessica Genia Simon began writing poetry at age seven. As a teenager, she attended the University of Virginia’s Young Writers Workshop, competed and won a spot on the Brave New Voices 2001 D.C. National Youth Poetry Slam Team. She earned a B.A. in English and Textual Studies and Policy Studies at Syracuse University and her M.S. in Education from University of Pennsylvania. She spent a year in Jerusalem, Israel, studying at Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies, and volunteering with LGBTQ+ and middle east peace organizations. She works at a gun violence prevention nonprofit in D.C. and lives with her wife, daughter, and orange short-haired tabby cat, Zahav, in Silver Spring, Maryland. This is her first poetry collection.
Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 13, 2023)
Also available on Kindle