Calling Me Back Again

Calling Me Back Again

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Review, return, reconsider—whatever we may call it, there are times in life when we revisit where we have been, what we have left behind, what we have failed to consider, what we have thought to be real. And far too often, we see something different than our memories recall, something missed the first time, something more obvious and perhaps more painful or more enlightening to us now. Many of the poems in this new collection center on a reconsideration of past experiences before they fade from our inner projector. Rick Mitchell’s third book of poetry, Calling Me Back Again, forces us to reassess our perspectives and the reasons for our choices. Once again, vivid imagery and strong narrative appeal draw the reader to his poems and to the questions that we all ask ourselves about life.

Mitchell currently lives in western New York, far from the distractions of large cities, where he enjoys the outdoors and a life of reflection and writing. His second book, Before Every Other Fall, offering readers an intriguing glimpse into the world of expected disappointments and understated triumphs, is available from Aldrich Press and can be ordered through Amazon.

Paperback: 60 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (February 14, 2017)