Sandra J. Lindow has had a lifelong devotion to poetry. Her first published poem appeared in a Sunday School magazine when she was eleven. Her poetry collections include Rooted in the Earth (1989), The Heroic Housewife Papers (1990), A Celebration of Bones (1996), Revision Quest (1997), Walking the Labyrinth (2004), Touched by the Gods (2008), The Hedge Witch’s Upgrade (2012), and Amazonned: A Woman Warriors Guide to Breast Cancer and Recovery (2019).
In 1990, Heroic Housewife won the Council for Wisconsin Writers’ Posner Award for the best poetry collection by a Wisconsin writer. Her poem “If Death: A Pre-Primer” was included in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: 2001. In 2003, she received the Wisconsin Press Women’s Award for Poetry. In 2003 and 2018, she won first prize awards in the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets’ Triad Contest, and in 2020 she received their Muse Prize for poetry. In 2004 and 2011, she received Jade Ring first prize awards in poetry from the Wisconsin Writers’ Association. In 2018, she accepted the Blei Award for Poetry.
Her poetry has appeared in markets such as The Dwarf Stars Anthologies, The Rhysling Anthologies, Star*Line, Asimov’s, Scifaikuest, Dreams and Nightmares, Tales of the Talisman, and The Magazine of Speculative Poetry. Her work can be found online in Verse Wisconsin archives, Word Gathering, Blue Heron Review, Strange Horizons, Eye to the Telescope, UpNorth Lit, and Sky Island.
Since 1987, she has served as West Central Vice President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. Since retiring, she continues to do freelance writing, reviewing, and editing. She lives on a hilltop in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Her husband, Michael Levy, died on April 4, 2017. More can be found at https://www.wfop.org/member-pages#/sandra-lindow.
Paperback: 66 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (September 17, 2021)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association