Death of a Dissembler

Death of a Dissembler

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Andrew Frisardi is the author of Death of a Dissembler (poems, 2014), The Young Dante and the One Love (essays, 2013), and The Quest for Knowledge in Dante's Convivio (essays, 2015); the translator of various volumes from Italian, including an annotated edition of Dante's Vita Nova (2012); and the editor of Daily Bread: Art and Work in the Reign of Quantity (2015), a collection of essays by Brian Keeble. His awards include a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation, a Hawthornden Literary Fellowship, and the Raiziss/de Palchi Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets. Originally from Boston, he lives in central Italy.

Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/White Violet Press (December 11, 2013)