Don’t misplace the moon

Don’t misplace the moon

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Annie Stenzel is a lesbian who was born in Illinois, but did not stay put. Her first full-length collection is The First Home Air After Absence (Big Table Publishing, 2017). A free-range poet who writes in and out of forms, her poems appear or are forthcoming in a wide array of print and online journals in the U.S. and the U.K., including Atlas and Alice, Chestnut Review, Galway Review, Kestrel, Night Heron Barks, One Art, Pine Hills Review, Rust & Moth, Saranac Review, SoFloPoJo, SWWIM, The Lake, and UCity Review. Her work has been nominated several times for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. She is also a poetry editor/reader for the online journals Right Hand Pointing and West Trestle Review. She currently lives on unceded Ohlone land within walking distance of the San Francisco Bay, and pays a voluntary monthly land tax to help restore Indigenous life.

Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (May 30, 2024)