Down the Grassy Aisles

Down the Grassy Aisles

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Aruna Gurumurthy is an American author and observer of human nature. Since her childhood in Mumbai, India, she has embarked on a journey of creative exploration and, within her short prose poems, tries to capture the beauty and art in the world. Aruna looks at life with a twinkle in her eyes and a sprinkle on her dreams. From wisdom and discovery to development in Diya: A Megawatt Approach to Change, to perceptions and change in Buddha in The Brain, and celebration of love, life, and motherhood in Puppet Dolls and beyond, Aruna writes on a variety of themes and empowers people from all walks of life. An author of seven books of poetry as well as essays and observations since 2015, Arunas body of work also appears in the regional anthologies Heron Clan V (2018) & VI (2019) (Katherine James Books) and the literary journals FewerThan500 and What it is to Be A Woman, reflecting an insightful journey of struggles and jubilations on the path to peace.

Aruna is part of the thriving Southern literary community. She lives with her loving family, including her husband and young daughter, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Paperback: 40 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (August 12, 2020)