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Marylou Kelly Streznewski’s career has included theater, journalism, and the teaching of writing on high school, college and community levels. As a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, she has served as a workshop director at their annual summer conference. Her nonfiction book, Gifted Grownups: the Mixed Blessing of Extraordinary Potential, a study of one hundred gifted adults, appears in libraries word-wide, as a textbook in graduate courses, and has been translated into Chinese and published in Taiwan. Short fiction and poetry have been published nationally, and two chapbooks, Rag Time and Woman Words, are housed in the chapbook collection of Poet’s House in New York. Currently in preparation is a memoir in prose and poetry based on her survival of open heart surgery, Streznewski lives on a Bucks County Pennsylvania acre with her husband Tom.
Paperback: 44 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (March 31, 2015)