Sandra Kacher loves poems that makes her smile but prefers those that bring her to tears. She is moved by “the crack in everything” especially when the crack plunges deep into mystery. She has lived most of her life in Minnesota—at twenty she discovered a part of Minneapolis she hadn’t known existed and she’s been looking for and finding hidden gems ever since. She loves seeing things for the first time but as she’s lived in the same state for seventy years, she’s learned that freshness doesn’t require new geography, only open eyes and a desire to be surprised.
Fascinated by other people’s stories, she spent her career as a psychotherapist listening to and being moved by those stories. She began writing poetry seriously once she retired and could no longer claim not to have time to write. Poetry is how she tells her own stories, and she invites you to please come in for a listen.
Paperback: 60 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (January 25, 2023)