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Brendan Walsh’s poems have appeared in many journals and magazines, including Off the Coast, Connecticut Review, Mason’s Road, Anak Sastra, Lines+Stars, Cobalt Review, and LONTAR. His first poetry collection, Make Anything Whole, was published by Five Oaks Press in 2015. He has lived in and fallen in love with South Korea and Laos, but he always manages to end up back in New England. Brendan has been a featured reader at The New American Writing Festival, the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival’s Connecticut Young Poets Day, and the Poetry Institute New Haven. He received his MFA from Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT.
When he is not training for amateur Strongman competitions or writing and reading poems, he is probably seeking the unknowable essence of humanity. He believes in poetry as a pure transfer of energy and emotion—something that should be celebrated publicly with intensity. His website is http://brendanwalshpoetry.com/.
Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (January 26, 2016)