Robert Cooperman grew up on the not-so-mean streets of Brooklyn and went to grad school in Denver, Colorado. He holds a Ph.D. in English, with a joint concentration in Creative Writing and 19th Century British Literature from the University of Denver. While his first two loves were basketball and the Grateful Dead, he’s the author of over 20 poetry collections, most recently, Bearing the Body of Hector Home (FutureCycle Press), a retelling of the killing of the Trojan hero Hector and his burial rites, toward the end of The Iliad. Draft Board Blues was named one of Ten Great Books by a Colorado Author for 2017, by Westword Magazine. In the Colorado Gold Fever Mountains won the Colorado Book Award for Poetry for 2000, and The Widow’s Burden was runner-up for the Willa Award, from Women Writing the West, in 2001. Other recent collections include City Hat Frame Factory and A Nightmare on Horse Back, both from Kelsay Books.
After living and teaching in Athens, GA, Bowling Green, OH, and Baltimore, Cooperman is happily back in Denver, and living with his wife Beth.
Paperback: 102 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 24, 2023)
London Grip Poetry Review