Pamela Hobart Carter earned two degrees in geology from Bryn Mawr College and Indiana University before becoming a teacher. Her poems have been published by Barrow Street, Fly On The Wall Press, Halcyon, Parks & Points & Poems, Pidgeonholes, The Seattle Times, and Tilde, among others. Her poem, “Hiking to Red Pass,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. With Arleen Williams, she is the author of twelve short books in easy English for their No Talking Dogs Press. Her plays have been read or produced in Montreal (where she grew up as a landed immigrant), Seattle (where she lives), and Fort Worth (where she has only visited). Both of Carter’s parents were art historians. Sporadically, she joins other visual artists for figure drawing sessions at Seattle Ink and Oil.
Paperback: 46 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 18, 2020)