John L. Stanizzi’s other collections are Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, Dance Against the Wall, After the Bell, Hallalujah Time!, and Sundowning. He’s had poems in Prairie Schooner, American Life in Poetry, The Cortland Review, New York Quarterly, Tar River, Rattle, Poet Lore, Hand & Handsaw, Passages North, and many others. John’s work has also been translated into Italian and appeared in Italy’s El Ghibli and The Journal of Italian Translations. His translator is the poet Angela D’Ambra. John has read at venues throughout the northeast, and he teaches literature at Manchester Community College in Connecticut. He lives in Coventry with his wife, Carol. Visit John’s website here:
Paperback: 44 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (February 24, 2017)