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Kim Malinowski earned her B.A. from West Virginia University and her M.F.A. from American University. She studies with The Writers Studio. Her work is disparate—ranging from writing about war and atrocities to the fairy world and pagan studies. She writes because the alternative is unthinkable. Her chapbook Death: A Love Story was published by Flutter Press. Her work was featured in Faerie Magazine/Enchanted Living and appeared in War, Literature, and the Arts, Illumen, Calliope, Golden Walkman Magazine, Gramarye, Gone Lawn, Mythic Delirium, Mookychick, A.H.F. Magazine, and others. She is a proclaimed lover of words and is often spotted in Laurel, Maryland dallying in mushroom rings.
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (February 18, 2021)