How I Went into the Woods

How I Went into the Woods

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Lennart Lundh is a poet, photographer, short-fictionist, and historian. His work has appeared internationally since 1965, including poetry in sixty-eight anthologies and numerous issues of more than ninety journals. Over two hundred readings of his work are archived on YouTube. Len served in Vietnam with the Navy’s Amphibious Ready Group Bravo during 1968 and 1969, and he was honorably discharged as a conscientious objector in 1970. Post-service, he earned a BA and an MA in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences from Northeastern Illinois University. He and Lin, his high school sweetheart, are great-grandparents, and reside in Northeastern Illinois.

Paperback: 90 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (December 9, 2023)

Also available on Kindle