Watch the book trailer for Kerry Dancers
Curt Curtin is a first-generation Irish American poet. Both his parents emigrated from County Kerry at the beginning of the 20th century, taking different routes to find one another in Boston. This gives Curt a unique perspective about ways that Irish immigrants retained their heritage while assimilating into American culture.
Most of Curt’s poetry outside of this collection covers themes of science, religion, humanism, nature and art. He has produced three chapbooks Pacing the Floor (1979), Elusive Music (2005), and Embers Carried Across A River In A Gourd (2015). His first full-length poetry collection, For Art’s Sake, was published by Kelsay Books in 2019.
Curt has won local awards for poetry including the Connecticut River Review Poetry Contest (2019) and the Worcester County Poetry Association’s Frank O’Hara Award (2010). He was twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize, including once for “Katie and the Poet.” He has been a featured reader at many events in New England and twice in Ireland.
To hear the poet read selected poems, go to:
Paperback: 76 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 17, 2020)