Andrena Zawinski has published two previous full collections of poetry: Something About (Blue Light Press, San Francisco, CA, a PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award recipient) and Traveling in Reflected Light (Pig Iron Press, Youngstown, O, a Kenneth Patchen competition winner). Her four chapbooks are Poems from a Teacher’s Desk, Elegies for My Mother, Andrena Zawinski’s Greatest Hits, and Taking the Road Where It Leads. She is also editor of Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down: An Anthology of Women’s Poetry (Scarlet Tanager Books, Oakland, CA).
In this collection, Landings, Andrena Zawinski presents poems that embrace, in original ways and with deep-rooted emotional power, the worldwide condition of women, immigrants, and the working class alongside an abiding reverence for the natural world. Her poems have received accolades for free verse, form, lyricism, spirituality, and social concern. She is a seasoned educator and teacher of writing, Features Editor at PoetryMagazine.com, and founder of the San Francisco Bay Area Women’s Poetry Salon.
Paperback: 98 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 7, 2017)
The Los Angeles Review
Vimeo audio
Wombwell Rainbow interview