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Paula Goldman’s book, The Great Canopy, won the Gival Press Poetry award and received an honorable mention for the Independent Booksellers’ Award. Her work has appeared in Oyez Review, Slant, Calyx, Passager, Ekphrasis, Rattle, Prairie Schooner, Manhattanville Review, Cream City Review, Comstock Review, Harvard Review, The North American Review, Poet Lore, Poet Miscellany, Hawaii Pacific Review, Cæsura, and other magazines. Her poems have appeared in Boomer Girls published by the University of Iowa Press, The Party Train: A Collection of North American Prose Poetry published by New Rivers Press and most recently, Conversation Pieces published by Knopf. She was the first prize winner in INKWELL’s (Manhattanville College) poetry competition and the Louisiana Literature Award for poetry.
She holds an MA degree in Journalism from Marquette University and an MFA in Writing from Vermont College. A former reporter for The Milwaukee Journal, she served as a docent and lecturer at the Milwaukee Art Museum for twenty-five years. Her manuscript Late Inamorato was a finalist for the Gival Press Poetry Award. New poems have appeared in Cæsura and Arlington Literary Journal. Paula was nominated for a Pushcart Prize 2017. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her husband, Allan. They have been married fifty-three years and have two grown children and three grandchildren.
Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (February 21, 2012)