Jennifer Horne served as the twelfth Poet Laureate of Alabama (2017–2021) and was named the Alabama State Poetry Society’s Poet of the Year for 2020. She believes in the power of poetry to connect people, create meaning, bring solace, give joy, and honor mystery.
She is the author of three previous collections of poems, Bottle Tree (WordTech Editions, 2010), Little Wanderer (Salmon Poetry, 2016), and Borrowed Light (Mule on a Ferris Wheel Press, 2019), as well as a collection of short stories, Tell the World You’re a Wildflower (University of Alabama Press, 2014). She also wrote a biography of the writer Sara Mayfield, Odyssey of a Wandering Mind: The Strange Tale of Sara Mayfield, Author (University of Alabama Press, 2024).
Additionally, she has edited a volume of poetry on farming and gardening in the American South, co-edited a collection of short stories by Alabama women, and co-edited three volumes of essays related to southern women, creativity, and spirituality. With her sister, Mary Horne, she edited a posthumous collection of their mother’s poetry, Root & Plant & Bloom: Poems by Dodie Walton Horne (2020).
Her honors include teaching for a semester as the Visiting Writer-in-Residence at Lenoir-Rhyne University, receiving fellowships from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the Seaside Institute in Florida, and being awarded the Druid City Literary Arts Award, given by the Tuscaloosa Arts Council.
She has taught creative writing in many settings, including university, elementary and high school, study abroad, conference, and prison classrooms. Raised in Arkansas and a longtime resident of Alabama, she lives in Cottondale, Alabama, with her husband, Don Noble, a literary critic and interviewer.
More about Jennifer can be found online at:
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (September 20, 2024)
Alabama Writer's Forum