Watch the book trailer for Lost Sonnets for My Unvaccinated Lover.
John Milkereit moved to Houston, Texas from Atlanta, Georgia in 1991 and currently works as a mechanical engineer. He grew up in Chicago in the 1970s where he was first introduced to poetry by having to read “Beowulf” in the sixth grade. He did not return to poetry until 2005 when his local minister began conducting poetry seminars.
He has since been published in various literary journals including The Comstock Review, Naugatuck River Review, San Pedro River Review, and The Ekphrastic Review. He has attended various poetry conferences such as San Miguel Poetry Week, Colrain Manuscript Conference, and the Pt. Townsend Writing Conference. He also has been a featured reader at various events such as First Friday, Houston Poetry Fest, and the Sundown Poetry Series as part of Piccolo Spoleto in Charleston, South Carolina. He also served as judge for various poetry events and served on the board of Mutabilis Press, a non-profit press dedicated to publishing poetry. He has also been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
He completed a B.S.M.E. at Georgia Tech in 1988. He completed a low-residency M.F.A. in Creative Writing at the Rainier Writing Workshop in 2016. He has published two chapbooks (Pudding House Press) and three full-length collections of poems, including from December 2022, A Place Comfortable with Fire (Lamar University Literary Press).
He experienced a mild case of COVID-19 before a vaccine was available. The characters presented in these poems are figments of his imagination.
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Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (December 7, 2023)