Watch the book trailer for Magma Intrusions.
Meg Weston’s poetry, non-fiction, and photography express her passion for the geological processes that shape the earth and the stories that shape our lives. Many of her stunning volcanic images can be found on her website www.volcanoes.com.
She is currently the Co-Founder and Director of The Poets Corner, a community-based poetry and prose platform with over 3,000 members, www.thepoetscorner.org. Over the past ten years, she has studied the craft of poetry with such well-known poets as Richard Blanco, Kevin Pilkington, and Ellen Bass among others.
In 2020, Weston released a limited-edition book of poems entitled Letters from the White Queen, which includes Weston’s poems alongside excerpts of letters written by her mother in 1969 just shortly before her sudden death at the young age of 48. Weston’s poems have been published in Hawaii Pacific Review, Trouvaille Review, The Mountain Troubadour, One Art, Red Fez, as well as several anthologies.
In January 2020 Weston retired from Maine Media College after eight years as president, where she established The Writers Harbor® program to complement the media arts curricula in photography, filmmaking, and book arts. Weston has been a leader in higher education and led businesses in media and consumer photography including president of The Portland Press Herald, president of Konica Corporation’s U.S. consumer photofinishing companies, and CEO of PrintLife, an Israeli digital imaging start-up. For 10 years she served as a trustee of the University of Maine System Board of Trustees and served as Chair from 2006–2008.
Paperback: 87 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (May 17, 2023)
The Courier-Gazette