Andrea Potos is the author of eight poetry collections, including A Stone to Carry Home (Salmon Poetry), Arrows of Light (Iris Press), An Ink Like Early Twilight (Salmon Poetry), We Lit the Lamps Ourselves (Salmon Poetry), and Yaya’s Cloth (Iris Press). Several of her books received Outstanding Achievement Awards in Poetry from the Wisconsin Library Association. She received the William Stafford Prize in Poetry from Rosebud Magazine, and the James Hearst Poetry Prize from the North American Review. Her poems have been featured widely in print and online, including Verse Daily, Your Daily Poem, Women Artist’s Datebook (Syracuse Cultural Workers, 2018 and 2019), Poetry East, Women’s Review of Books, Atlanta Review, Southern Poetry Review, Poem, Sou’wester, Greensboro Review, Adanna, Presence, Literary Mama, Mom Egg Review, Sunlight Press, and many others, including I Feel A Little Jumpy Around You (Simon & Schuster), and Claiming the Spirit Within (Beacon Press). Andrea worked for many years as a bookseller in independent bookstores. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin.
Paperback: 61 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 27, 2019)
Escape into Life
Jama's Alphabet Soup (Long Review)
Jama's Alphabet Soup (Short Review)
Mom Egg Review