Heidi Slettedahl is an academic and a US-UK dual national who goes by a slightly different name professionally. In her other life, she is President of SUNY Brockport. Her love of creative writing was nurtured early by her English teachers (Mr. Nelson, Mr. Zumhofe, thank you) and by a chance encounter with the poet Nancy Paddock. It was at St. Cloud State University that she really embraced her craft, and she credits Dr. Steve Klepetar with opening her eyes and her mind to writing more fully. (She is also forever grateful that he wrote a poem for her presidential inauguration.) She lives in western New York with her husband Allan Macpherson and their two unruly Springer Spaniels, Tilly and Rosie. Her most unusual talent is her ability to ride a unicycle. She does less of that now that she is over 50.
Paperback: 92 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (July 13, 2024)
Also available on Kindle