my (w)alter ego

my (w)alter ego

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Walter W. Hoelbling, born in1947 in a little district town 100 km southeast of Vienna, is a retired professor of U.S. Literature and Culture at the American Studies Department of Karl-FranzensUniversity in Graz, Austria. Among his authored and co-edited publications are The European Emigrant Experience in the U. S. A, Nature’s Nation’ Revisited: American Concepts of Nature from Wonder to Ecological Crisis, What Is American? New Identities in U. S. Culture, U. S. Icons and Iconicity, and Theories and Texts: For Students By Students, as well as a good number of articles on American Studies in Europe, U. S. war fiction and film, Indian captivity narratives, US postmodern and postcolonial fiction, and the affinities of U.S. literature and film to public political rhetoric. As Visiting Scholar he did research at Rutgers University, NJ; Columbia University, NY; SUNY Albany, NY; Stanford University, and the Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; as Visiting Professor he taught at the University of Minnesota Dept. of English in Minneapolis for two quarters. He started writing poetry in English in the late 1970s and has published two volumes of poetry in English—Love Lust Loss (2003) and Think Twice (2006), together with Gabriele Poetscher, former colleague from the Graz University English Department. With her he also co-edited Myself and Others, #37 of Gangan Lit-Mag.

More recently he published a volume of German-language poems (Gemischter Satz. Gedichte, 2018; 2020), and he also contributes to poetry journals and collections in print and online.

Paperback: 130 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (July 1, 2022)

Reading from my (w)alter ego