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Steve Harvey was born in Orange, New Jersey in 1948 and spent most of his childhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania surrounded by the benign chaos of six brothers and a sister. He earned a BA in English from Niagara University and MA in Humanities from Pennsylvania State University. For almost ten years he lived the bohemian life of an artist producing dozens of works. In 1980 he returned to school and four years later received his Master’s of Architecture from Carnegie Mellon University. After almost three decades as an architect, he turned to teaching and his roots in the humanities. He taught a number of subjects, though ethics and world religion were his mainstay.
His love of writing began to manifest itself in poetry and novels; his travels to Europe and Africa and his newfound love of running marathons gave inspiration to his voice. In 2012 Steve spent the summer teaching computer literacy in a small village in northern Namibia which became the inspiration for this collection of poetry. Presently living in Northampton, Massachusetts with his wife Jo, he continues to write poetry and prose while still dabbling in oil paints and enjoying the excitement of two new grandchildren and visits from his six children.
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (March 28, 2014)