Ruth Bavetta writes at a messy desk overlooking the Pacific Ocean. She is the author of Fugitive Pigments (FutureCycle Press, 2013), Embers on the Stairs (Moontide Press, 2014), and Flour Water Salt (FutureCycle Press, 2016.) Her poetry has been published in Rattle, Nimrod, Tar River Review, North American Review, Spillway, Hanging Loose, Rhino, Poetry East, and Poetry New Zealand among others.
Visual art informs many of her poems. She writes of food and love, of her Italian immigrant family, the experience of growing old, the singularity of toothpicks, the sorrow of Afghanistan. She likes the light on November afternoons, the smell of the ocean. She hates pretense, fundamentalism, and sauerkraut.
Paperback: 72 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (August 30, 2017)