Karen Kelsay has been published in numerous anthologies, including Fire in the Pasture (Peculiar Pages, 2011), a collection of 21st century Mormon poets. In 2012, she received the Fluvanna Award from The Lyric, and she received the Association For Mormon Letters Award for her full-length poetry book Amytis Leaves Her Garden. She is a six-time Pushcart Prize nominee and has been the featured poet in many magazines including: The Nervous Breakdown, Russell Bittner’s Poet’s Corner, Kin Poetry Journal, A Motley Vision, Thick with Conviction and The HyperTexts. Her picture and biography may be found at The Poetry Foundation’s website and at her personal website: karenkelsay.com.
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Big Table Publishing Company (January 15, 2018)