Joanne Durham is a retired educator living on the North Carolina coast, with the ocean as her backyard. She has loved poetry since she devoured the pages of The Golden Treasury of Poetry as a child. She is the author of To Drink from a Wider Bowl, winner of the 2021 Sinclair Prize (Evening Street Press, 2022). She won the 2021 Prime 53 Poem Summer Challenge and was a finalist for the NC Poetry Society’s Poet Laureate Award, the NC State Poetry Contest, and Ruminate’s Broadside Prize. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals, including Poetry East, Calyx, Third Wednesday, One Art, Juniper Poetry Journal, Quartet, Rise-Up Review, Pensive, Kosmos Quarterly, Love in the Time of COVID Chronicle, and Gyroscope. She is an Associate Editor for Evening Street Review. When she’s not immersed in poetry, Joanne practices yoga, plays tennis, delights in her grandchildren, and works for a better world for them to grow up in.
For more about On Shifting Shoals, see:
Paperback: 42 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (January 1, 2023)
Evening Street Press, Sinclair Poetry Prize (Winner, 2021)
Lena Shull Book Award (Honorable Mention, 2021)
Litmosphere, Lit/South Award (Finalist, 2023)
Naugatuck River Review, Narrative Poetry Contest (Finalist, 2024)
NC Literary Review, James Applewhite (Semi-Finalist, 2023)
NC Poetry Society, Mary Ruffin Poole Award First (1st Place, 2023)
NC Poetry Society, Poet Laureate Award (Finalist, 2021)
NC State Poetry Contest (Finalist, 2021)
Mary Blinn Prize (Finalist, 2023)
Prime Number Summer Challenge (Winner, 2021)
Ruminate Broadside Prize (Finalist, 2021)
Third Wednesday, Annual Poetry Contest (Winner, 2023)
Third Wednesday, 50/50 Contest (Winner, Fall 2021)
Poets on Poetry (Interview and Reading, 2024)
Autumn Sky Poetry (Featured Poem, 2023)
Highland Park Poetry (Review, 2023)
Her View Friday, Yellow Arrow Journal (Interview, 2023)
Inflectionist Review (Reading, 2024)
Line Break Podcast (Reading, 2023)
One Minnesota Crone (Interview, 2023)
Origin Stories, Gyroscope (Recorded Reading, 2023)
Parkland Poets (Recorded Reading, 2023)
Storyteller of the Week (Review, 2023)