Wilda Morris’s grandmother and mother taught her to love poetry. She became serious about writing poetry after the death of her first grandchild.
Wilda has served as president of both the Illinois State Poetry Society and Poets & Patrons, a Chicago poetry organization for which she continues to serve as Workshop Chairperson. She has led poetry workshops for children and for adults. For several years, she was on the staff of the Christian Writers’ Conference at the Green Lake Conference Center in Wisconsin. She has also led workshops in Illinois and Iowa.
Wilda’s first book, Szechwan Shrimp and Fortune Cookies: Poems from a Chinese Restaurant, was published by RWG Press in 2008. Another poetry manuscript, The Unapproved Uncle, will be looking for a publisher soon. Wilda has published widely in journals, websites, newspapers, and anthologies, and has won awards for formal poetry, free verse and haiku. Wilda Morris’s Poetry Challenge at wildamorris.blogspot.com provides a contest for other poets each month.
Paperback: 123 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (February 16, 2019)