Reflections While Flying on Empty

Reflections While Flying on Empty

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Jeremy Gadd has previously published three compilations of his poetry: Selected Poems, one hundred published poems (Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2013), Twenty Six Poems, a chapbook (AICD, Sydney, 2000) and A Tale of Tai Ringal and Other Poems, a livre d’artiste with engravings by P. John Burden (Bournehall Press, England), now found in rare book collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Samuel Paley Library, Temple University Library, Philadelphia, and the Reid Library in Western Australia. He has also published two volumes of short stories: Country (Ginninderra Press, Canberra & Adelaide, 2007) and Under Centauri (Anaphora Literary Press, USA, 2013). His young adult novel, Escaping the Triad, first published by Holy Angels Publishing (Melbourne) in 1998, was re-printed by Custom Books (Hong Kong) in 2013. Moon Willow Press (USA) is preparing to publish his second novel titled The Suicide Season.

He has a Bachelor of Dramatic Art degree from the Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art, Master of Arts with Honours and PhD degrees from the University of New England. He is a Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (NSW).

Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (February 10, 2015)