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Diane Lee Moomey has lived and wandered around the States and Canada and now dips her gardener’s hands into California dirt. She lives in the small coastal town of Half Moon Bay and co-hosts a monthly reading series, “Coastside Poetry.”

Diane is a regular reader at San Francisco Bay Area poetry venues. Her poetry has appeared in The MacGuffin, Light, THINK, Mezzo Cammin, Caesura, California Quarterly, The Road Less Taken, MacQueen’s Quinterly, PoeTalk, Red Wheelbarrow and others, and has been nominated for three Pushcart prizes. She has received awards and honorable mentions from Soul-Making Keats and the Ina Coolbrith Circle. She is also the author of three poetry collections, the latest of which, Make for Higher Ground, is available from Barefoot Muse Press.

Diane is also a watercolorist and collage artist, an experience that both seeds and is seeded by, her poetic imagery.

Visit Diane at

Paperback: 118 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (June 25, 2024)

Also available on Kindle

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