Leslie Schultz can’t remember a time when she wasn’t making poems. She studied creative writing at the UW-Madison in Madison, WI and at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA. She now lives in Northfield, Minnesota.
Born contemplative and prone to leaps of faith, she began studying yoga as a teenager and has never stopped. In the 1990s, she fell in love with labyrinths, built one in her own garden, and walked it daily. In 1998, Schultz completed yoga teacher training at Kripalu Center in Lenox, MA and co-founded Heartwork Yoga Studio. In 2000, she began collaborating with artist and labyrinth maker Marilyn Larson to publish contemplative resources, including A Pocket Guide to Labyrinths; four printings later, it is still available at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.
Schultz’s photography has been purchased by hospitals, clinics, and private collections, and is featured on greeting cards. Her poetry, fiction, and essays have appeared a variety of journals and anthologies, including Able Muse; Mezzo Cammin; Swamp Lily; Poetic Strokes Anthology; The Pacific Review; The Northern Review; The Madison Review; The Mid-American Poetry Review; The Midwest Quarterly; Stone Country; Sun Dog; The Wayfarer; and in a chapbook, Living Room (Midwestern Writers’ Publishing House). In 2013, one of her haiku was included in the payload of NASA’s MAVEN mission and is currently orbiting the red planet. She has published two middle-grade novels, featuring main characters who are homeschooled, with Do Life Right Press: The Howling Vowels (2011) and And Sometimes Y (2013). Schultz posts poems, essays, interviews, and photographs at winonamedia.net.
Paperback: 106 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/White Violet Press (March 7, 2016)