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Bill Hoagland grew up in an extended family in rural Illinois, where both of his grandfathers grew and sold strawberries. He holds a BA in English from Northern Illinois University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts. He taught creative writing, composition, and other courses in small colleges in Montana and Wyoming for 33 years.
Hoagland’s poems have appeared in The Denver Quarterly, Nebraska Review, Poem, Seneca Review, Writers' Forum, South Coast Poetry Journal, The SHOP, Hollins Critic, and many other journals, as well as in the anthologies New Voices, The Last Best Place, and Ring of Fire: Writers of the Yellowstone Region. His chapbook of poems entitled Place of Disappearance was the recipient of a Wyoming Arts Council Fellowship as well as a Wyoming Arts Council Neltje Blanchan Nature Writing Award. He also won a 2014 WOW! award in poetry from Words on the Street Press in Ireland, where he lived for a year.
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (May 13, 2015)